The 19 Cleaning Products You Need For Your Home

I love cleaning. As someone with rampant general anxiety disorder, the moments I don’t feel anxious in some form of another are few and far between, so I do whatever I can to pacify all the other moments. Over the years, I’ve found that tidying up or a full blown deep clean are two activities that not only keep my mind my mind healthily occupied, but also result in organized surroundings which does wonders for my anxious nature.

I realized the other day that I have specific cleaning products I will not change or substitute, no matter what anyone says. It’d be cool to be sustainable and all that, but essential oil-based cleaning solutions simply don’t disinfect and expertly cleanse a countertop the way my Windex with vinegar does and those are facts. In a perfect world, I would trade in my Bounty paper towels for reusable cloths, but FUCK (and I cannot stress this enough) THAT. Some days (most days), the versatility and effectiveness of a singular paper towel gets me through the day. They’re my precious.

I feel the same about Shout stain remover for clothing. My mom has used Shout since the beginning of time, so I’ve seen its magic over and over the past 34 years. It’s a miracle solution—I mean, the shit literally does away with just about any minor or major incident your clothes or bedding or towels have come into unfortunate contact with, and I just am not interested in using anything else.

All this to say, I felt compelled to reach out to my Instagram audience and ask what their one (or two) home cleaning product that they simply couldn’t function without is. I lost track of all the replies I got, which proved to me that you guys truly are my people. There were so many similar answers, but I still went through and tallied them all to report to you guys on what the only cleaning products for your home are so here is the complete list! I hope, if nothing else, it inspires to you to stock up and get to scrubbing this week or coming weekend.

cleaning products

Magic Eraser — I mean. We all know the magic of the magic eraser. The sheets are even better.

Shout Stain Remover — I’ve already spoken for the glory that is Shout. It’s a miracle worker.

Tide Powder — If you’re a red-blooded American woman who lives on Instagram, you know all about Go Clean Co and how they boosted sales for powdered tide by 2938439742x during the Panny. Say it with me now, TIDE + BLEACH + WATER = Your clean-all solution!

Goo Gone — Okay, this shit. This has also been a Golden family staple forever, so you can imagine how happy I was to see Zac had some at his home. Annoying ass retail stickers and other adhesive shit, BE GONE.

Mrs. Meyer’s All Purpose Cleaner — Not something I use personally, but was listed a lot by you guys!

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Fresh Gel — My sister turned me onto these and I was so happy to see you guys love them, too! They help provide a constant fresh scent even when you or a guest had cauliflower rice for dinner. Love them.

Dustbuster — I grew up with a dustbuster. I was very familiar with it, as Ellen made us dust bust our rooms and bathrooms daily. This is the exact one I have and let me tell you—when getting the full ass vacuum out is overkill, a dustbuster is a GAME CHANGER.

Scrub Daddy Sponges — Okay, SO MANY replies listing these?! I’ve seen them but have never bought them, but I think I may now… Y’all sung them praises!

The Dyson V8 Animal Cordless Vacuum — Let me tell you something. You haven’t lived until you experience a powerful cordless vacuum. Zac had one, which is half the reason I agreed to move in and marry him (JK) (or am I?). It’s completely worth the money, and this particular one which Zac and I have is actually an “older” version, so it’s less than what’s out there right now. It’s simply amazing, and you should maybe put it on your Christmas list or just treat yourself now.

White Vinegar — When in doubt, vinegar + baking soda. Am I right?

Pine Sol — A few listed this and I was surprised. Feels like such a throwback, but so clutch. Also, the woman in those commercials was/is tight. The OG of cleaning your floors.

Oxi Clean — A direct competitor of Shout, so I’m out. BUT, y’all love it (I’d use it in an emergency, ok?).

Clorox Clinging Bleach Gel — Someone swore by this for her toilets and general bathroom. Thinking I might grab some for our shower…


Dawn Dish Soap — The OG. I’d honestly wash my hair with Dawn if a situation call for it and not think twice.

Fabuloso — Never used it, probably never will but y’all seem to like it.

Clorox ToiletWand — Hi. This is a game changer. If you want to use the clinging gel or whatever else, that’s fine. But I’m telling you, this wand and the disinfecting heads it comes with are everything and more.

Dawn Powerwash Spray — YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS. The OG is great and you should keep some at home, but this is for everyday dishes and dear lord, it is the best. We go through it like water. WATER, I TELL YOU!

Roomba — Ya know, I want a Roomba so badly but I just don’t see Bowie ever making peace with it. I don’t know. We could really use it. Anyway, y’all love yours!

Happy cleaning!