A Short List of the Daily Supplements and Vitamins I Take

I am not a doctor, nor is my therapist. These were her suggestions for me and my mental health, and I do not claim that they’ll work for you or are the best option.

Can I just say you know you’re in your mid-30s when the response to your list of supplements and vitamins via Instagram Stories is vast? I’ve never been more acutely aware of my age, my audience’s age, and exactly what we’re interested in at this point in our lives.

That said, I started a new supplement and vitamin regime about three weeks ago on the recommendation of my therapist. You see, I suffer deeply from something called PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). Typically, it’s only one of your ovaries that is the cause of this horrific, roided-up version of PMS. Therefore, it’s only really bad every other month (since, ya know, your ovaries take turns enlisting your period month after month). While I’m on Prozac and working on cognitive behavioral ways to combat the PMDD devil, my therapist suggested loading up on specific vitamins and supplements to get my overall system right and hopefully reap the benefits each of them claim to provide in terms of mental health.

To be honest, I can’t remember exactly what she said about each of these supplements. My main takeaway was that a daily women’s probiotic is the most important, especially considering that gut bacteria creates 95% percent of your body’s serotonin supply. WILD.

So, without further adieu, this is my short list of the vitamins and supplements I am now taking every single day. I split them up between morning and night just so I don’t overload myself at one time. It doesn’t matter when you take what except my therapist did let me know that the calcium chews should be split up into twice a day for the best digestion. I’m also linking the 2-pack weekly/daily pill organizers I got when I ordered all these new goodies!

vitamins and supplements


Bottoms up!